
Saturday 20 January 2018

Review: Barbatus, by A. Drew
Once upon a long time ago, when the gods still ruled the Earth, vulture shifter Barbatus lived with a small group of exiled shifters in a very hostile area somewhere in Anatolia; they take on the form of birds, goats and other animals. They are isolated, but the great goddess Cybele still protects them. They are a closely-knit community who love and care for each other.

Quite in contrast to the human town close by, where sin and violence prevail. Aylin, a young girl who had been sold into prostitution by her own uncle, escapes them and, wounded and sick, makes her way up the mountain to the ‘forbidden’ area of the shifters – with the help of Cybele herself. Barbatus finds her and nurses her back to health, and they fall in love. Can there be a future together for them, though? Will Barbatus’ community accept her – and are there still dangers from the past lurking for Aylin?

A really fascinating story, wonderfully told, imaginative and tender and at the same time immensely suspenseful. Skilful allusions to ancient mythology mixed with a good dose of sex and also deep and honest emotions; a must for every fan of supernatural romance!

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